We have 3 mammas' delivering puppies in October. These will be Christmas time puppies! We estimate their "ready to go home date" to be anywhere from December 14th to Christmas day. This spot is for the 3rd pick of any litter we have. As an example, if you made a deposit for this spot, you would have up to a week after we've posted pictures of a new litter to pick the puppy you want AFTER anyone who might have a pick before you. If you don't select a puppy, you would have the option to pick third from proceeding litters if the families with picks before you didn't select a puppy either. Once second or first pick makes a selection, the buyer in this spot automatically moves up to the 2nd pick of proceeding litters until they choose a puppy etc.... The prices will range from $1,500 to $2,000 depending on color and gender. Your $500 deposit will apply to the price of the puppy you choose. (Pictured is mamma MK). Please note that once you make a non-refundable deposit for a spot, no one can then "jump you" in line. You'll always have this pick or move up as others before you select. Please let us know if you have questions!